Our family is known for finding random and interesting things to do during the summer, so after being asked by several people where I find everything, I decided to blog about the places we find so others can experience the fun.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Judy Garland Museum

Location: 2727 Hwy 169, Grand Rapids, MN
Admission: There is an admission fee, but I can't seem to find it on the website...
Handicap Accessibility: Mostly yes.
Website: www.judygarlandmuseum.com

When I first found out about this museum, I was like, heck yeah, I want to go to that museum! Judy Garland? She rocks! When we arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that half of the museum is dedicated to Judy Garland and the other half is a children's museum with lots of cool things for kids to explore. Score! So the kids endure the boring part where I drool over Judy Garland's belongings and then they are rewarded afterwards by having an opportunity to play. Sounds like a win-win to me :)

Below are a couple of photos from the children museum side...

There was also a creepy doll room...okay, I thought they were creepy, but I'm sure some people love dolls, and they would thoroughly enjoy seeing them.

Here is a make-believe town where kids can dress up and pretend to work in different stores like a grocery store, a music store, the gas station,or the fire department. My kids loved this part!

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