Our family is known for finding random and interesting things to do during the summer, so after being asked by several people where I find everything, I decided to blog about the places we find so others can experience the fun.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The World's Largest Ball of Twine

Location: Darwin, MN
Admission: Free!
Handicap Accessibility: Definitely!
Website: Twine Ball

My obsession all started with Weird Al Yankovic. Yes, I am the biggest Weird Al fan known to the world. One of his songs is called The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota...so of course for a large chunk of my life, I wondered if such a thing actually did exist. Once I moved to Minnesota, I became curious enough to look it up online, and surprise! There it was!

Here's the Youtube video I found.

The town of Darwin doesn't really have much to offer other than the attraction to the Twine Ball as well as the Twine Ball museum, which has some interesting inventions that were made by the same man who made the twine ball. The second weekend in August every year there is a Twine Ball festival, which we attended one year. There is a parade and several vendors, as well as touristy things to buy (tshirts, magnets, etc.). Across the street from the twine ball is a little park, which is nice if you bring a picnic lunch and can have the kids run around to get some energy out.
Here's a couple more pics from the twine ball:


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for showing us some of the things we've heard about for years but not yet visited. My daughter, Kathryn, believes you should submit some of these entries to Family Fun Magazine. They are always looking for fun travel ideas. And remember, they pay $100 if your idea is accepted and used in the magazine. You've definitely got me thinking of some random road trips to take this summer with the kids.


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