Our family is known for finding random and interesting things to do during the summer, so after being asked by several people where I find everything, I decided to blog about the places we find so others can experience the fun.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Old Jail Bed & Breakfast

Location: Taylors Falls, MN
Handicap Accessibility: One of the suites is handicap accessible
Kid-friendly: Not really (but good for adult getaways)
Website: www.oldjail.com

One of our most recent trips was to the Old Jail Bed & Breakfast in Taylors Falls. The hubster and I went for our 7th anniversary, so we did not bring kids (yay!). This bed and breakfast is very cool and supposedly haunted...Johnny said he thought he heard someone trying to get out from behind a locked door in our suite (creepy). The suite we stayed in was the cave suite, and it is freakin' awesome! The building was built on the side of a hill and our suite was built into a small cave and it used to be a saloon/brewery way back when. There's also a jail suite which is separate from the main building, but used to be the Taylors Falls jail. We almost stayed in that suite, but the cave suite seemed more appealing to us at the time.
If you ignore all of our junk in the picture, it's a beautiful room!

A large jacuzzi tub and a shower is now in the cave part of the suite.

Here's a photo of the bed & breakfast. It's so beautiful! Our room was behind that wreath.
Also, we went to Chisago House, which is a block away from the B&B, for dinner, and it was so good! I had the best burger ever, and Johnny had their buffet and loved it! There are also a couple of cute little stores on the main drag that would be fun to check out if you stay there...

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